Artwork requirements:
Flash 7+ plug-in.

About the artwork:
Exquisite Copse is a live web-based environment and an interactive artwork, visually rewriting works of literature into a forest of word 'trees'. The piece has its origins in the surrealist game 'exquisite corpse', where a group of participants create 'poetry' by secretly adding a phrase to the existing work before passing it on to the next participant. The artwork invites visitors to choose a word - a seed from which their 'tree' will grow - to form a part of the expanding online forest.

About the artist:
Neil Jenkins' current practice is heavily engaged with electronic media, language, programming and networked communication. He is particularly interested in the use of networks - both real and virtual - for the creation of interactive installation pieces. For further information, please visit: www.devoid.co.uk.

With thanks to:
Ivan Pope [web hosting]